These beautiful blooms are perfect for any occasion (or for no occasion!) and for any region! Its widely recognized that sending coloured Gerbera Daisies represents different emotions, similar to what each rose colour means. Gerberas are easy to care for, whether in a vase/pot inside, or planted/potted outside.
Gerbera flowers are popular daisies that feature large, colourful blooms. Though they re commonly sold potted as gifts, they can make wonderful additions to any flower garden. Plus, when you grow your own gerbera flowers, you ll be able to make beautiful cut flower arrangements.Family: AsteraceaeThe name of the red gerbera is native to Africa, Madagascar, South America and Tropical Asia. Also known as the African Daisy, as well as Barberton Daisy and Transvaal Daisy, its name comes from the 18 th century German naturalist, Traugot Gerber.
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