Ficus religiosa is an Ayurvedic Native tree used for the treatment of a cough, skin diseases, improving the skin complexion, nausea, vomiting
Peepal is unrivaled for its antiquity and religious significance. Commonly known as sacred fig. It is a large deciduous tree with a pale stem often appearing fluted on account of the numerous roots which have fused with the stem.
Leaves leathery 4-8 inches long by 3-5 inches wide, somewhat egg-shaped or rounded, tailed at the tip and heart-shaped at the base, or sometimes rounded. The young leaves are frequently pink, change to copper and finally to green. Flowers minute within the receptacle. Fruit is a fig. Leaves & Bark used for treating Dysentery & Diarrhea. Ayurvedic tree used for the treatment of cough, skin diseases, improving the skin complexion, nausea, vomiting.
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